Spreading The Word

It has just recently been 9 months since I received a new immune system and my MS was halted. Recovery is like riding a rollercoaster. Most days are exciting because I can tell I am making progress but some days are a struggle. I know it is my body saying, “Cool it mister!” and I try to do my best to listen to what it is telling me. After all, treating our bodies well is Biblical, 1 Corinthians 6:19- Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? Having this procedure (HSCT) has been life changing in so many ways. Not only have I been given a chance to live without active MS with a possibility of healing from the damage but I have been thinking more seriously about what is really important in my life. It is part of the reason why I have not be posting or blogging much. I have needed some quiet time to find a new direction. I love you all and thank you for your continued support and prayers. Quiet time with God is always good.

God is still moving. Now that I have a different perspective on life, I want to share my story in a more personal way. When I am out, I will talk to anyone that will listen or is curious. I not only want to share about HSCT but I want to share hope and the love of Jesus. No matter what I talk about with HSCT it always comes back to how God moved to make it happen. For this reason I will be forever grateful. Please pray that God will guide me to the people that are looking for encouragement and hope. Pray that I will have the right words to say when I post my next video on my YouTube channel because my mind is full of many things to say.

I am excited to be a part of HSCT Warriors. They are working hard to bring awareness of HSCT for autoimmune diseases. Their website is meant to be the source for all things HSCT.

I was Cleveland Clinic’s first patient to halt MS through HSCT. If you or someone you know has MS and they want to know what is going on at the Cleveland Clinic, click on the image to register for the webinar on August 18th. Jeffrey Cohen, MD and I will be there to answer your questions.

If you follow me online or have seen me in person, it is likely that you have seen me wearing a shirt like this. Having this second chance not only has me excited about what God has done but, it is fresh for me every day. I wear this shirt to bring awareness to people that have been diagnosed with MS. I want them to know that they have a choice and that being on MS drugs for the rest of their life is not their only option. I am here to talk to you and pray with you. Let put an end to MS!

I want to close this post by saying that our relationships with people are important. God created us for each other. This was realized in the book of Genesis when God said that it was not good for man to be alone. Caring for and about one another is repeated in the Bible. I know that I cannot change the hearts of people but, I can make a difference one soul at a time. Are you struggling with a seemingly impossible situation? Give up and let God. As I open up and share my story with new people, may it be clear what God has done and that it is not about me. Make it a great day! #Godsgotthis #endingMultipleSclerosis




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