I Was Moved

I know that my blog entries may not appeal to everyone, and I am okay with that. Today I was moved during our online church service. You can view it below.

As we were looking at Luke 17:11-14 we read about Jesus healing the ten lepers. If you would like to see a LEGO version, click here. When Jesus saw them, he turned to them and told them to go show themselves to the priests. The very next sentence says that as they went, they were cleansed. One of the statements that our pastor made was that we should "Live today as if your healing is on its way." If you look at this blog and the prior entries, you will see that I have desired to be healed of a disease that many say, cannot be healed. I have sought God for guidance as I move forward with living the best life I can live with the current limitations of the capabilities of my body.

I want to be real to those that are reading this blog and tell you that I am human. When I hear of current events and the virus that is causing death or when I wake up and my body just doesn't move the right way, I have moments when I doubt being healed. Maybe a stem cell transplant is not the answer but, God has already opened so many doors for this to happen. If God doesn't want to use a transplant to heal this body, I will be okay with that decision too. This message hit very close to home for me because I agree that physical healing is the least of the miracles of Jesus. Physical healing is only temporary because this body will return to dust some day. Even though physical healing is temporary and the least of the miracles that we have read about Jesus performing, my prayer and desire is that when Jesus heals this body, I hope that I do not forget about what Jesus has done. I also hope that my story has an eternal impact. I want the world to know Jesus and let Him do the ultimate miracle of healing souls. As you all go through this journey with me I hope that you can see that I have a lot to say. I hope that everything you read and each word I type continues to point you to Jesus.

So what is going on in your life that needs prayer? I have created a form that you can fill out to request prayer. You can access that under the more section or click here. Once that form is submitted, with your permission I will post your first name on a new prayer section of this website. God knows your need and I want to give others that are prayer warriors the ability to pray for people by name. God wants to be the answer to your impossible. Do you have a story of an impossible to share? I would love for you to be a part of this website. Just send me an e-mail at rooftopprayerwarrior@gmail.com. Please be patient with the changes with the website. Until next week, my friends!


How Do You Pray?

